How to be an Ethical Narcissist


Look in the mirror. Ok. Now look out into the world. Go to a crowded street with a bunch of people. People of all different types surround you. Now what do you see? Well of course you see other people walking around you, but what is underneath that? Well, you were looking in the mirror earlier weren't you? Do you see mirrors walking around now? Not actual mirrors, but reflections of our own selves.

Other people can act as mirrors for our own insecurities. So we can see a glimmer of ourselves in other people.

In this individualist based culture, we post so much emphasis on our goals, dreams and general  direction of our lives. It's all about pursuing our own way in the world even if we choose to believe that we are doing some to help "other people". The road to hell is certainly paved with good intention, but it doesn't mean that you can't enjoy this so called journey.

There is so much placed on self care and mental help these days as well. It's ok to take time off. It's ok to indulge ourselves. It's ok to simply stay in our own lane. To craft the self.

What is the self, but a collection of thoughts tied to the past. Memories surely fade.
Serving yourself leads to serving others. It is about accepting the limitations of your own being.
If the center is the "self", then you can vibrate from the self. Even if the self is a construct, you can act as if it exists. If the center is you, then the most logical thing is to make you the priority. Everything else will sort itself out.

The self becomes the Ascension Myth and Ideal.

Notice. Observe. Pay Attention to the arising of these thoughts of self importance. Nurture it. Do not withdraw. Do not shun. Do not compare or pay attention to the self importance of others.

The image of the "Other" is a myth. An illusion. Yet, no one lives in a vacuum.
The Other is not you, but you can MAKE it about you.

Who's to say what is selfish, but YOU?

Of course, we are part of something bigger than ourselves. The sheer fact that we are node in a system or network can be overwhelming. The potential for cooperation and value is instantly magnified exponentially when realizes YOUR inherent value within the network. You won't think that you are so separate or individualized anymore. Your autonomy is intact to serve a bigger purpose. The purpose is realized and radiated when aligned with the YOU.

It's not about taking. It is centered around giving. When the realization of the self is cultivated, it gives. It gives inward and then is reflected on the outer world. To take care of oneself with full energy and attention, is to take care of others around them. The energy is transferred from one individual to another thus strengthening the network.

One will see that the network can determine your Net Worth. Not with money, but with value.

Serve yourself to serve others.
Serve others to serve yourself.

What are you in service to?


*please see the irony in this*


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