If you're tired, BE tired

 Are you feeling tired? Then why don't you BE tired? 

Do you feel the need to try to change the state that you are in? Why is that? We live in a society that tends to unrealistically expect so much energy out of us. Both emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. Sometimes we think something is wrong with us when we aren't able to live up to what is demanded from us. You could grab a caffeinated beverage and see what happens, but that only covers up the issue. Most of the time that tired feeling will come back ten fold and you might feel even more tired than you felt before. Trying a quick fix tends to put a band aid on the issue and not address why we may feel a certain way in the first place whether it be happy, tired, sad or what have you. 

What is stopping us from totally being or feeling out the feelings or "emotions" that we are experiencing? I get it. There are times where you need to conjure up some type of energy or mask in order to function in a work or social scenario, so there are some extenuating times where simply being with what you are feeling is not ideal or productive. The times that we are able to allow for space for us to BE with ourselves is important. Why try to force yourself to try to escape into another state of mind when you know it is not authentic? You can feel the resistance. That push back. It almost takes more energy to try to force a state of mind than to simply ride it out or understand WHY you are feeling that state in the first place. What are you running from? Discomfort? Dread? Unrealistic Expectations? 

We have been accustomed to a society that tries to treat a discomfort or "disease" while simultaneously understanding the root cause. It's the linear thinking that can potentially mislead us. 

When you are in a space where you can be with your emotions then you can start to become more aware of the fleeting existence of these temporary states. We have all felt that deep sinking feeling of sadness. Do we immediately try to cheer ourselves up or do we sit with it? Sometimes the saddest songs let us process that sadness when we are in the dumps. And we don't necessarily have to DO anything. It's all about observing and being with what is happening within you.

It's amazing how hard it us for to simply sit with ourselves and see what is going on without trying to distract ourselves. 

 Just the act of non resistance can do so much and we can breathe through it as we feel the energy move throughout our bodies. Like electricity and life power. There is no roadmap to being with your feeling/emotions. A routine or roadmap would require some type of mechanical thinking that could get in the way. Trying to be with something is much different than actually Being with something. There is great efficacy in the authenticity of how we approach our inner sanctum of solace and peace. 

If you are feeling sick, feel sick. Take a rest. Take a beat. There's a reason and that reason is best dealt with when it is experienced in its totality. 

If you are feeling energetic or happy, take that ride. Once you try to catch it or hold it too hard it will go away. Funny how most of the time we try to chase a feeling that it goes away or it loses it luster. What if we thought of that energetic happiness as a type of visitor. We can observe it and not try to control it or contain it. We don't need to DO anything to BE with that we are feeling. Once we get too much in our heads then we have a tendency to sink into a state of confusion. This is the world we live in. Cyclical storms of thought can lead us astray from our intuition. You know, that I word that we tend to question from time to time. 

Look at what you pay attention to. Where does your attention go when you start to feel discomfort? This is important. This is where the center of attention lies. Are we so eager to escape what we THINK we are feeling?

Well, don't think too hard on it. 



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