The Next Crisis Will Really Sell

Picture this kiddo. 

A world on the verge of collapse. Not an obvious collapse that you might think, but one that is more subtle. An everyday deterioration of what we think is real and what we may think is impossible or at least improbable. Crises rely on the fear of all those who are complicit with it. If you are scared, then you are a paying customer for the big money machine of crisis marketing and behavior control. 

Manufacture the fear to make things more relevant, but less clear. 

Take a look at news. You know. The big media outlets that seem to decorate the common places of people's abodes and the establishments that we like or are more or less forced to frequent. Some people can't seem to unplug from the 24 hour news cycle. It is like bugs flying around a light or a terrible disaster. For most of us we cannot look away. Something draws us towards drama. Think of the all the content we consume on a regular basis. How much of it involves struggle, conflict, violence and hero worship? It's all formulaic. Not like there is anything wrong with that... 

Headline for sale! Crisis for sale! Read between the Ads. 

The Big Machine is always selling a product whether it be physical or non-material (fear and compliance). 

But what about the media?!? That's a good question. It's not mystery that the media model has been transformed into a click baity and heavily skewed propaganda machine guided by forces that most of us cannot quite put our finger on. We can be speculative and point the finger, but at the end of the day there has to be some shady monetary dealings that keep these monolithic entities a float. If it bleeds, it leads. If it enrages, it engages. If it grabs you by your feelers, they must be effective dealers. Just take a scroll. Look at the misleading headlines designed to pull you in into reading it. From my personal experience, I have seen a disconnect between the headlines and the actual body of an article. Once it hooks you then it leads you down a road that sometimes doesn't even support its initial claim. Is this all by design? It is really all about the clicks and repeat readers? Take a look for yourself. 

They want you to read the script. Not between the lines. Lights, Camera, Inaction?

It's more than just reporting the news. It's about crafting a narrative. It is no surprise that many media outlets cherry pick in order to advance a story or a narrative for the audience they are trying to serve. Know your audience. Am I right? When you are able to craft a narrative, then you are able to appear as consistent and right (most of the time) even if you are not in reality truly factual. If we can acknowledge that these media outlets are directed by higher authorities, then we can simply follow the logic that follows the "money". There has to be some type of financial incentive in each report. There has to be a reason that a media corporation would be posting certain content. It draws us in and makes us pay attention. This is all boiler plate and by design. How we react is what is important? If you are skeptical then you are in a good place. Skepticism requires critical thinking. One should or at least consider being skeptical when consuming any content especially when all facts and factors have not presented themselves in context. 

The MegaMediaComplex creates an ecosystem of copycats and competition. Most articles are regurgitated press releases devoid of any pertinent information. The incentive is more relevance and more money. The machine must remain relevant to stay alive. Write this and get a paycheck. But most of all... Hope for Clicks!

Crises and disasters and money makers for Mega Corporative Media Outlets. Think about the investigative and constant coverage it takes to report on a storm, terroristic disaster or injustice. It is immense, but also limited. Most of the time most media outlets tend to jump the gun and craft a narrative towards an abstract suspect or enemy. Storms are a little hard since they are acts of nature, but there is always some side pointing the finger at a human entity that could have "prevented it". (I mean why not shame people for things they cannot control. What a tactic ) This is where things get political. This is where things get heated. If a media outlet has a certain bias, they will try their best to advance it for the sake of the story and the consumers. It's a sort of symbiotic relationship. It takes a great deal of word craftmanship to engage an audience while catering to their moral and political leanings. Crises as bad as they can be, can really sell and really grab the attention of the masses. 

It's ok to be biased..if you're honest about it. 

It's not about thinking that the "media" is the enemy. It's about being aware. It's about seeing behind the veil that seems to craft and form the perception of the majority of the population. It's one of those things. Those things that you can't un see. When we see that these mega rich and mega influential media outlets always have an agenda, then we can start to read between the lines. We can investigate further (if we want to) or completely reject the narratives that are spoon fed to us. 

Centralized power and authority crumbles when better alternatives arise. Innovation thrives on finding better ways out of the old systems.

It's not a club for you. You're not even invited. 

Pay attention to the controlling of language. One of the best ways to drive a narrative or control the masses is to change how we use words around us. New terms and pithy buzz words become the hooks into to where the vulnerable can bite on to. Soon it is like a game of telephone. People are using terms and words as a means of feeling like they actually understand what is going on. They think they know. Soon there will be words that are BAD. Words that don't fit the narrative. Words that bring about "dangerous concepts" that challenge the drivel being pushed. Good old propaganda. You wouldn't want to challenge the status quo now would you? Imagine the feeling of being an OUTCAST? 

Crises make excellent theatre. And most of the time you don't even have to pay to see it. 

Once there is a crisis, the machine promotes normalization. When you demoralize a population than you can swoop in with a illusory veneer of stabilization. Saviors of the day! Heroes of the hour! What better way to foster a dependency then to offer a solution to the problem at hand. If you able to manufacture a destabilized ecosystem then you can use your POWER to convince people that a problem can be fixed. The machine thrives on its compliance and who chooses to spread its gospel. 

Create a problem. Persuade the importance of fixing it. Create a solution. Persuade the people to believe that is the the RIGHT one. 

Get em' hooked. Then you got repeat customers...

A Cog in the Machine that sways so far to one perceptual side will always create an enemy and dependency with the other self projected side. This creates a loop that only gets bigger and more elaborate while strengthening its own cognitive bias. 

The Media and Government Machine (Industrial Complex) is validated by centralization. Decentralization is a threat to the the core power structure of an Autocratic structure. It's a top down type of operation. It relies on violence, power and coercion. A real fiery triangle of viral ideology. Do what you are told or there will be consequences. What better way to get out your message than with force, threat and intimidation? When propaganda starts to fall apart at the seems then the BIG GUNS come in. FEAR becomes a useful tool to control and the broadcast of the punishment of dissenters will serve as a mechanism to make sure that any one that goes against the grain may or may not be punished. We can call their bluff, but the court of public opinion is just as devastating as the contemporary judicial system. 

The crises are commodified. A type of circus and meddling affair. Some people buy it up. Others will see through the transparent and oozing veneer. There's always something to sell. Always people to control. The manipulative tactics manufacture a type of reactive lizard like simplicity. A reactive mentality that tends to scrap personal responsibility. When an individual thinks they have control, they are already a threat to the Crisis Selling Machine. 



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