It's Free Energy!


Picture this. You're caught in a mess where someone made you really angry. You can feel it in your veins. A shocking electric type of energy. You've had this feeling before. Sometimes it blindsides you and takes you by surprise. All in all, it is not a good feeling, but it's there and you recognize it. You can act on it a react with it and then feel that dreaded feeling of regret when you come back down from that rollercoaster or you can use that anger. You can channel it. It's there for you and not something that can be paralyzing or mood wrecking. 

We have the potential to use all these passing emotions as energy instead of succumbing to its wrath that takes away from our awareness and presence. It's all about feeling it out. You're angry? Good. Are you annoyed? Good. These are feelings that we can convert to more productive and proactive activities. We may even have been feeling good before we were struck with anger or annoyance, but the flow of life is littered with unpredictability. It all depends on how we choose to respond or react to these feelings.

Uncertainty is a constant and of course unpredictable, but that unpredictability can gift us bursts of energy all based on what happens from moment to moment and how we USE it. 

When you get rid of the judgmental and binary Good/Bad scenarios and only focus on ENERGY, then you have IT.

You can change your relationship with these uncomfortable energy bursts. It's all energy. We only tend to put stories on the feelings and align them on a spectrum of what we think is good or bad. Some of us may retract and retreat from certain situations that made us irritated and that is ok. In context, the feelings that throw us out of the alignment with the present are some of the best things to happen to us. It shows us that we may not be on the best path determined by our own values and past conditioning. So instead of trying to escape or get rid of these uncomfortable emotions, we can change our relationship and USE that energy from what we are feeling. Do you see how all of this can be beneficial? 

Feeling -- Observance of Feeling -- Acceptance -- Energy Conversion -- Feeling 

Of course there are situations where we have an uncomfortable feeling and we feel a lack of energy. Like a zap to our central nervous system, we want to lie down or step away from our current situation and that's a good thing. That might be what we just need and we can channel that energy for rest. We can use the energy from these so called "negative" emotions to rest and recharge. Resting is indeed a powerful action in itself. It's better than lashing out or being mad at the image of what is making us mad in our own minds. When we get angry, we are more angry with the idea of who or what we think is making us feel that feeling. It can stop us in our tracks when we feel that fire within us and the worst use of energy would be to react to it in a dire and impulsive manner. 

It's all about changing from the immediacy of reaction to the immediacy of response. 

Let is flow through you. Like a conductor you can live an amazing and almost effortless existence without resistance. 

Like anything, it is all about practice and the patience to relax through all these resistant and uncomfortable feelings that surge through us through external and internal stimuli. So instead of trying to repress or control a traumatic memory, we can relax without a sense of judgment or condemnation. It's not about a system, task list or willpower either. It only takes the action of observation without any type of impulsivity to get back to a more optimal and efficient state. Keep in mind that you use energy when you are trying to REDIRECT energy to a mood or state that YOU desire. Or at least what you think you desire. All you really need to do is just FEEL it out. You'll be surprised what can some when we can just watch without the clenching of the fist or using a methodology to escape or cope with the current emotive moment we are experiencing. 

Think of it as a circuit. You have an input. Now what can you do with this. When you resist it, what happens? When you let it flow through, what happens? 

Complete the Circuit. 

D G 


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