I'm not "We".

There are many logical and appropriate ways to use the word "we" in conversation and speech. It is readily apparent that this word can be conflated and used to manipulate and deceive people. 

"We" is essentially a constructed abstract. It is not something that is tangible or that exists as a solid state. There are only individuals that choose to voluntarily assign themselves to cooperatives and groups. Although cooperation is extremely beneficial and important, the We abstract can distract individuals and hinder the awareness of personal sovereignty and responsibility. 

Some fallacious examples of the word we are as follows. 

We need free healthcare in this country. 
We all need to step up and create change. 
We won that game against your team. 

Sometimes the word we operates under and assumption of what the individual thinks is best for the abstract concept. It creates a false Us vs. Them dichotomy that creates one false abstract working against another false abstract. People that use "We" in the wrong way use it to force their ideologies amongst like minded or non convinced individuals. Can a person really know what is best for a collective or group? Can a person use we to motivate others to follow what they think is "right" for the others? 

We can create a destructive behavior called Group Think. Group Think allows individuals to band and think together with the guise of a common good or motivation. It is common in political parties and sports. It supports the idea that an ideology can drive people to make decisions that can be destructive to people that do not subscribe to their particular ideas or beliefs. Group Think allows for the individual to deny his or hers personal sovereignty and sacrifice it for the benefit of an unquestioned collectivist ideal. 

Do we have the ability to cooperate and understand the uniqueness and value of individuals? Yes. 

Humans are innately social creatures that must cooperate in order to survive. This is a fact of reality. Understanding this without trying to force values or ideologies on a person is important. When we assign ourselves to a group that says it knows what is right, we are escaping out empathic human makeup. 

One can simply think that they know what is best for the benefit of individuals, but if it is not reasonable or backed by violence it becomes nothing of value. Individuals that cooperate voluntarily with certain explicit and understand values will know that "We" evolves out of personal interest, compassion and empathy. 

Using We to persuade others to comply or follow you is fallacious. It operates under assumptions that you know what is best and right for the people you're talking to. Sure some of it can be based in reality. We are all made up of cells. We are all living on earth. This is a fact of reality not an agenda being forced upon you with collectivist notions. When a person uses we to try to make a point in proving their agenda without reason or evidence, it is vacant manipulative behavior. 

An important thing to consider is how and why we use the word "we". Especially word pairings such as "we should" and "we need". What makes us use these word combinations? Is it social conditioning forced upon us in our lives? 
Take in consideration why you are using that word in the first place. How does it add value to the speech and what does it say about your character? 

What is we actually? 

"We" are individuals cooperatively living and sustaining each other emotionally, physically, indirectly and directly. We understand and accept the opinions and beliefs of others and choose how we react to them. We share the equality that none of us aren't inherently equal, but require similar needs for survival. We give and get back in return. We are responsible for our actions. We strive to improve and sustain. We understand that community arises from the growth of self knowledge and inner awareness. The inner reflects the outer. 

We all share consciousness and embrace subjectivity and objectivity. We collectively experience the outside world through various lenses and perspectives. We are a global community that can choose to divide, conquer or commune based on our presence. When we are present, we are truly ourselves and we are truly we. 



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